-- This file is part of the LrMediaWiki project and distributed under the terms -- of the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt file in the project root directory or -- [0]). See [1] for more information about LrMediaWiki. -- -- Copyright (C) 2014 by the LrMediaWiki team (see CREDITS.txt file in the -- project root directory or [2]) -- -- [0] -- [1] -- [2] -- Code status: -- doc: missing -- i18n: complete local LrDate = import 'LrDate' local LrDialogs = import 'LrDialogs' local LrErrors = import 'LrErrors' local LrFileUtils = import 'LrFileUtils' local LrPathUtils = import 'LrPathUtils' local LrView = import 'LrView' local bind = LrView.bind local Info = require 'Info' local MediaWikiInterface = require 'MediaWikiInterface' local MediaWikiUtils = require 'MediaWikiUtils' local MediaWikiExportServiceProvider = {} MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.processRenderedPhotos = function(functionContext, exportContext) -- configure progess display local exportSession = exportContext.exportSession local photoCount = exportSession:countRenditions() exportContext:configureProgress{ title = photoCount > 1 and LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/Progress=Exporting ^1 photos to a MediaWiki', photoCount) or LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/Progress/One=Exporting one photo to a MediaWiki', } local exportSettings = assert(exportContext.propertyTable) -- require username, password, apipath, license, author, source if MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(exportSettings.username) then LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoUsername=No username given!') end if MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(exportSettings.password) then LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoPassword=No password given!') end if MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(exportSettings.api_path) then LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoApiPath=No API path given!') end if MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(exportSettings.info_license) then LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoLicense=No license given!') end if MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(exportSettings.info_author) then LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoAuthor=No author given!') end if MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(exportSettings.info_source) then LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoSource=No source given!') end MediaWikiInterface.prepareUpload(exportSettings.username, exportSettings.password, exportSettings.api_path) -- file names for gallery creation local fileNames = {} -- iterate over photos for i, rendition in exportContext:renditions() do -- render photo local success, pathOrMessage = rendition:waitForRender() if success then local photo = rendition.photo local catalog = photo.catalog -- do upload to MediaWiki local descriptionEn = photo:getPropertyForPlugin(Info.LrToolkitIdentifier, 'description_en') local descriptionDe = photo:getPropertyForPlugin(Info.LrToolkitIdentifier, 'description_de') local descriptionAdditional = photo:getPropertyForPlugin(Info.LrToolkitIdentifier, 'description_additional') local description = '' if not MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(descriptionEn) then description = '{{en|1=' .. descriptionEn .. '}}\n' end if not MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(descriptionDe) then description = description .. '{{de|1=' .. descriptionDe .. '}}\n' end if not MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(descriptionAdditional) then description = description .. descriptionAdditional end local hasDescription = not MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(description) local source = exportSettings.info_source local timestampSeconds = photo:getRawMetadata('dateTimeOriginal') local timestamp = '' if timestampSeconds then timestamp = os.date("!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timestampSeconds + 978307200) end local author = exportSettings.info_author local license = exportSettings.info_license local permission = exportSettings.info_permission local templates = exportSettings.info_templates local additionalTemplates = photo:getPropertyForPlugin(Info.LrToolkitIdentifier, 'templates') or '' if not MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(additionalTemplates) then templates = templates .. '\n' .. additionalTemplates end local other = exportSettings.info_other local categories = exportSettings.info_categories local additionalCategories = photo:getPropertyForPlugin(Info.LrToolkitIdentifier, 'categories') or '' local gps = photo:getRawMetadata('gps') if gps and gps.latitude and gps.longitude then local location = '{{Location|' .. gps.latitude .. '|' .. gps.longitude .. '}}\n' templates = location .. templates end local fileDescription = MediaWikiInterface.buildFileDescription(description, source, timestamp, author, license, templates, other, categories, additionalCategories, permission) -- ensure that the target file name does not contain a series of spaces or -- underscores (as this would cause the upload to fail without a proper -- error message) local fileName = string.gsub(LrPathUtils.leafName(pathOrMessage), '[ _]+', '_') local message = MediaWikiInterface.uploadFile(pathOrMessage, fileDescription, hasDescription, fileName) if message then rendition:uploadFailed(message) else -- create new snapshot if the upload was successful if MediaWikiUtils.getCreateSnapshots() then local currentTimeStamp = LrDate.currentTime() local currentDate = LrDate.formatShortDate(currentTimeStamp) local currentTime = LrDate.formatShortTime(currentTimeStamp) local snapshotTitle = LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/Snapshot=MediaWiki export, ^1 ^2, ^3', currentDate, currentTime, exportSettings.api_path) catalog:withWriteAccessDo('CreateDevelopSnapshot', function(context) photo:createDevelopSnapshot(snapshotTitle, true) end) end -- add configured export keyword local keyword = MediaWikiUtils.getExportKeyword() if not MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(keyword) then catalog:withWriteAccessDo('AddExportKeyword', function(context) photo:addKeyword(catalog:createKeyword(keyword, {}, false, nil, true)) end) end -- file name for gallery creation fileNames[#fileNames + 1] = fileName end LrFileUtils.delete(pathOrMessage) else -- rendering failed --> report failure rendition:uploadFailed(pathOrMessage) end end if (not MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty(exportSettings.gallery)) and fileNames then MediaWikiInterface.addToGallery(fileNames, exportSettings.gallery) end end MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.sectionsForTopOfDialog = function(viewFactory, propertyTable) local labelAlignment = 'right'; local widthLong = 50; return { { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/User/Title=Login Information', synopsis = bind 'username', viewFactory:column { spacing = viewFactory:control_spacing(), viewFactory:row { spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(), viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/User/Username=Username', alignment = labelAlignment, width = LrView.share "label_width", }, viewFactory:edit_field { value = bind 'username', immediate = true, width_in_chars = widthLong, }, }, viewFactory:row { spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(), viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/User/Password=Password', alignment = labelAlignment, width = LrView.share "label_width", }, viewFactory:password_field { value = bind 'password', width_in_chars = widthLong, }, }, viewFactory:row { spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(), viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/User/ApiPath=API path', alignment = labelAlignment, width = LrView.share "label_width", }, viewFactory:edit_field { value = bind 'api_path', immediate = true, width_in_chars = widthLong, }, viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/User/ApiPath/Details=Path to the api.php file', }, }, viewFactory:row { spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(), viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/User/Gallery=Gallery', alignment = labelAlignment, width = LrView.share "label_width", }, viewFactory:edit_field { value = bind 'gallery', immediate = true, width_in_chars = widthLong, }, }, }, }, { title = LOC "$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Title=Upload Information", synopsis = bind 'info_license', viewFactory:column { spacing = viewFactory:control_spacing(), viewFactory:row { spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(), viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Source=Source', alignment = labelAlignment, width = LrView.share "label_width", }, viewFactory:edit_field { value = bind 'info_source', immediate = true, width_in_chars = widthLong, }, }, viewFactory:row { spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(), viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Author=Author', alignment = labelAlignment, width = LrView.share "label_width", }, viewFactory:edit_field { value = bind 'info_author', immediate = true, width_in_chars = widthLong, }, }, viewFactory:row { spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(), viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/License=License', alignment = labelAlignment, width = LrView.share "label_width", }, viewFactory:combo_box { value = bind 'info_license', immediate = true, width_in_chars = widthLong - 2, items = { '{{Cc-by-sa-4.0}}', '{{Cc-by-4.0}}', '{{Cc-zero}}', }, }, }, viewFactory:row { spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(), viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Permission=Permission', alignment = labelAlignment, width = LrView.share "label_width", }, viewFactory:edit_field { value = bind 'info_permission', immediate = true, width_in_chars = widthLong, }, }, viewFactory:row { spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(), viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/OtherTemplates=Other templates', alignment = labelAlignment, width = LrView.share "label_width", }, viewFactory:edit_field { value = bind 'info_templates', immediate = true, width_in_chars = widthLong, }, }, viewFactory:row { spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(), viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Other=Other fields', alignment = labelAlignment, width = LrView.share "label_width", }, viewFactory:edit_field { value = bind 'info_other', immediate = true, width_in_chars = widthLong, }, }, viewFactory:row { spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(), viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Categories=Categories', alignment = labelAlignment, width = LrView.share "label_width", }, viewFactory:edit_field { value = bind 'info_categories', immediate = true, width_in_chars = widthLong, height_in_lines = 3, }, viewFactory:static_text { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Categories/Details=separate with ;', }, }, viewFactory:row { spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(), viewFactory:static_text { alignment = labelAlignment, width = LrView.share "label_width", }, viewFactory:push_button { title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Preview=Preview generated wikitext', action = function(button) local result, message = MediaWikiInterface.loadFileDescriptionTemplate() if result then local wikitext = MediaWikiInterface.buildFileDescription('', propertyTable.info_source, '', propertyTable.info_author, propertyTable.info_license, '\n' .. propertyTable.info_templates, propertyTable.info_other, propertyTable.info_categories, '', '') LrDialogs.message(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Preview=Preview generated wikitext', wikitext, 'info') else LrDialogs.message(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/DescriptionError=Error reading the file description', message, 'error') end end, }, }, }, }, } end MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.hidePrintResolution = true MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.showSections = {'fileNaming', 'metadata', 'fileSettings', 'imageSettings', 'outputSharpening'} MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.allowFileFormats = {'JPEG', 'TIFF'} MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.allowColorSpaces = {'sRGB'} MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.canExportVideo = false MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.exportPresetFields = { { key = 'username', default = '' }, { key = 'password', default = '' }, { key = 'api_path', default = 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php' }, { key = 'info_source', default = '{{own}}' }, { key = 'info_author', default = '' }, { key = 'info_license', default = '{{Cc-by-sa-4.0}}' }, { key = 'info_permission', default = '' }, { key = 'info_templates', default = '' }, { key = 'info_other', default = '' }, { key = 'info_categories', default = '' }, { key = 'gallery', default = '' }, } return MediaWikiExportServiceProvider