-- This file is part of the LrMediaWiki project and distributed under the terms -- of the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt file in the project root directory or -- [0]). See [1] for more information about LrMediaWiki. -- -- Copyright (C) 2014 by the LrMediaWiki team (see CREDITS.txt file in the -- project root directory or [2]) -- -- [0] -- [1] -- [2] -- Code status: -- doc: partly -- i18n: complete local LrErrors = import 'LrErrors' local LrHttp = import 'LrHttp' local LrPathUtils = import 'LrPathUtils' local LrXml = import 'LrXml' local JSON = require 'JSON' local Info = require 'Info' local MediaWikiUtils = require 'MediaWikiUtils' local MediaWikiApi = { userAgent = string.format('LrMediaWiki %d.%d', Info.VERSION.major, Info.VERSION.minor), apiPath = nil, githubApiVersion = 'https://api.github.com/repos/robinkrahl/LrMediaWiki/releases', } --- URL-encode a string according to RFC 3986. -- Based on http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringRecipes -- @param str the string to encode -- @return the URL-encoded string function MediaWikiApi.urlEncode(str) if str then str = string.gsub(str, '\n', '\r\n') str = string.gsub (str, '([^%w %-%_%.%~])', function(c) return string.format('%%%02X', string.byte(c)) end) str = string.gsub(str, ' ', '+') end return str end --- Convert HTTP arguments to a URL-encoded request body. -- @param arguments (table) the arguments to convert -- @return (string) a request body created from the URL-encoded arguments function MediaWikiApi.createRequestBody(arguments) local body = nil for key, value in pairs(arguments) do if body then body = body .. '&' else body = '' end body = body .. MediaWikiApi.urlEncode(key) .. '=' .. MediaWikiApi.urlEncode(value) end return body or '' end function MediaWikiApi.parseXmlDom(xmlDomInstance) local value = nil if xmlDomInstance:type() == 'element' then value = {} for key, attribute in pairs(xmlDomInstance:attributes()) do value[key] = attribute.value end for i = 1, xmlDomInstance:childCount() do local child = xmlDomInstance:childAtIndex(i) local childName = child:name() if childName then value[childName] = MediaWikiApi.parseXmlDom(child) end end elseif xmlDomInstance:type() == 'text' then value = xmlDomInstance:text() end return value end function MediaWikiApi.performHttpRequest(path, arguments, requestHeaders, post) local requestBody = MediaWikiApi.createRequestBody(arguments) MediaWikiUtils.trace('Performing HTTP request'); MediaWikiUtils.trace('Path:') MediaWikiUtils.trace(path) MediaWikiUtils.trace('Request body:'); MediaWikiUtils.trace(requestBody); local resultBody, resultHeaders if post then resultBody, resultHeaders = LrHttp.post(path, requestBody, requestHeaders) else resultBody, resultHeaders = LrHttp.get(path .. '?' .. requestBody, requestHeaders) end MediaWikiUtils.trace('Result status:'); MediaWikiUtils.trace(resultHeaders.status); if not resultHeaders.status then LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/NoConnection=No network connection.')) elseif resultHeaders.status ~= 200 then LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/HttpError=Received HTTP status ^1.', resultHeaders.status)) end MediaWikiUtils.trace('Result body:'); MediaWikiUtils.trace(resultBody); return resultBody end function MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments) arguments.format = 'xml' local requestHeaders = { { field = 'User-Agent', value = MediaWikiApi.userAgent, }, { field = 'Content-Type', value = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, } local resultBody = MediaWikiApi.performHttpRequest(MediaWikiApi.apiPath, arguments, requestHeaders, true) local resultXml = MediaWikiApi.parseXmlDom(LrXml.parseXml(resultBody)) if resultXml.error then LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/MediaWikiError=The MediaWiki error ^1 occured: ^2', resultXml.error.code, resultXml.error.info)) end return resultXml end function MediaWikiApi.getCurrentPluginVersion() local requestHeaders = { { field = 'User-Agent', value = MediaWikiApi.userAgent, }, } local resultBody = MediaWikiApi.performHttpRequest(MediaWikiApi.githubApiVersion, {}, requestHeaders, false) local resultJson = JSON:decode(resultBody) local firstKey = MediaWikiUtils.getFirstKey(resultJson) if firstKey ~= nil then return resultJson[firstKey].tag_name end return nil end function MediaWikiApi.login(username, password, token) local arguments = { action = 'login', lgname = username, lgpassword = password, } if token then arguments.lgtoken = token end local xml = MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments) local loginResult = xml.login.result if loginResult == 'Success' then return true elseif not token and loginResult == 'NeedToken' then return MediaWikiApi.login(username, password, xml.login.token) end return loginResult end function MediaWikiApi.getEditToken() local arguments = { action = 'tokens', } local xml = MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments) return xml.tokens.edittoken end function MediaWikiApi.appendToPage(page, section, text, comment) local arguments = { action = 'edit', title = page, section = 'new', sectiontitle = section, text = text, summary = comment, token = MediaWikiApi.getEditToken(), } MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments) end function MediaWikiApi.existsFile(fileName) local arguments = { action = 'query', titles = 'File:' .. fileName, } local xml = MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments) return xml.query and xml.query.pages and xml.query.pages.page and not xml.query.pages.page.missing end function MediaWikiApi.upload(fileName, sourceFilePath, text, comment, ignoreWarnings) local sourceFileName = LrPathUtils.leafName(sourceFilePath) local arguments = { action = 'upload', filename = fileName, text = text, comment = comment, token = MediaWikiApi.getEditToken(), format = 'xml', } if ignoreWarnings then arguments.ignorewarnings = 'true' end local requestHeaders = { { field = 'User-Agent', value = MediaWikiApi.userAgent, }, } local requestBody = {} for key, value in pairs(arguments) do requestBody[#requestBody + 1] = { name = key, value = value, } end requestBody[#requestBody + 1] = { name = 'file', fileName = sourceFileName, filePath = sourceFilePath, contentType = 'application/octet-stream', } local resultBody, resultHeaders = LrHttp.postMultipart(MediaWikiApi.apiPath, requestBody, requestHeaders) if resultHeaders.status ~= 200 then LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/HttpError=Received HTTP status ^1.', resultHeaders.status)) end local resultXml = MediaWikiApi.parseXmlDom(LrXml.parseXml(resultBody)) if resultXml.error then LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/MediaWikiError=The MediaWiki error ^1 occured: ^2', resultXml.error.code, resultXml.error.info)) end local uploadResult = resultXml.upload.result if uploadResult == 'Success' then return true elseif uploadResult == 'Warning' then local warnings = '' for pair in pairs(resultXml.upload.warnings) do if warnings ~= '' then warnings = warnings .. ', ' end warnings = warnings .. pair[0] end return warnings else return uploadResult end end return MediaWikiApi