# LrMediaWiki changelog ## v0.2: New metadata and improved reuploads (2014-08-25) The second beta release of **LrMediaWiki** moves the per-file metadata (description and categories) to dedicated metadata fields. Furthermore the behaviour for file reuploads is improved (allows version comments and file renaming). *Requires catalog update.* ### Fixed issues - #3: License dropdown (enhancement) - #5: Ask for comment for reuploads (enhancement) - #6: Allow new filenames for duplicates (enhancement) - #7: Move per-file data to custom metadata (enhancement) - #8: Remove fallback description (enhancement) - #9: Add "Preview generated wikitext" button to export dialog (enhancement) ## v0.1: First beta version (2014-08-21) This is the first beta version of **LrMediaWiki**, a plugin that provides MediaWiki support for Lightroom. It adds the Export method *MediaWiki*. See [Commons:LrMediaWiki][comlrmw] on Wikimedia Commons for usage information. [comlrmw]: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:LrMediaWiki