/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Nitrokey UG * * This file is part of libnitrokey. * * libnitrokey is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * libnitrokey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with libnitrokey. If not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0 */ static const char *const default_admin_pin = "12345678"; static const char *const default_user_pin = "123456"; #include "catch.hpp" #include #include #include #include "device_proto.h" #include "log.h" //#include "stick10_commands.h" #include "stick20_commands.h" using namespace std; using namespace nitrokey::device; using namespace nitrokey::proto; using namespace nitrokey::proto::stick20; using namespace nitrokey::log; using namespace nitrokey::misc; #include template void execute_password_command(std::shared_ptr stick, const char *password, const char kind = 'P') { auto p = get_payload(); if (kind == 'P'){ p.set_kind_user(); } else { p.set_kind_admin(); } strcpyT(p.password, password); CMDTYPE::CommandTransaction::run(stick, p); this_thread::sleep_for(1000ms); } /** * fail on purpose (will result in failed test) * disable from running unwillingly */ void SKIP_TEST() { CAPTURE("Failing current test to SKIP it"); REQUIRE(false); } TEST_CASE("long operation test", "[test_long]") { SKIP_TEST(); auto stick = make_shared(); bool connected = stick->connect(); REQUIRE(connected == true); Log::instance().set_loglevel(Loglevel::DEBUG); try{ auto p = get_payload(); p.set_defaults(); strcpyT(p.admin_pin, default_admin_pin); FillSDCardWithRandomChars::CommandTransaction::run(stick, p); this_thread::sleep_for(1000ms); CHECK(false); } catch (LongOperationInProgressException &progressException){ CHECK(true); } for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) { try { stick10::GetStatus::CommandTransaction::run(stick); } catch (LongOperationInProgressException &progressException){ CHECK((int)progressException.progress_bar_value>=0); CAPTURE((int)progressException.progress_bar_value); this_thread::sleep_for(2000ms); } } } TEST_CASE("test device internal status with various commands", "[fast]") { auto stick = make_shared(); bool connected = stick->connect(); REQUIRE(connected == true); Log::instance().set_loglevel(Loglevel::DEBUG); auto p = get_payload(); p.set_defaults(); auto device_status = stick20::SendStartup::CommandTransaction::run(stick, p); REQUIRE(device_status.data().AdminPwRetryCount == 3); REQUIRE(device_status.data().UserPwRetryCount == 3); REQUIRE(device_status.data().ActiveSmartCardID_u32 != 0); auto production_status = stick20::ProductionTest::CommandTransaction::run(stick); REQUIRE(production_status.data().SD_Card_Size_u8 == 8); REQUIRE(production_status.data().SD_CardID_u32 != 0); auto sdcard_occupancy = stick20::GetSDCardOccupancy::CommandTransaction::run(stick); REQUIRE((int) sdcard_occupancy.data().ReadLevelMin >= 0); REQUIRE((int) sdcard_occupancy.data().ReadLevelMax <= 100); REQUIRE((int) sdcard_occupancy.data().WriteLevelMin >= 0); REQUIRE((int) sdcard_occupancy.data().WriteLevelMax <= 100); } TEST_CASE("setup hidden volume test", "[hidden]") { auto stick = make_shared(); bool connected = stick->connect(); REQUIRE(connected == true); Log::instance().set_loglevel(Loglevel::DEBUG); stick10::LockDevice::CommandTransaction::run(stick); this_thread::sleep_for(2000ms); auto user_pin = default_user_pin; execute_password_command(stick, user_pin); auto p = get_payload(); p.SlotNr_u8 = 0; p.StartBlockPercent_u8 = 70; p.EndBlockPercent_u8 = 90; auto hidden_volume_password = "123123123"; strcpyT(p.HiddenVolumePassword_au8, hidden_volume_password); stick20::SetupHiddenVolume::CommandTransaction::run(stick, p); this_thread::sleep_for(2000ms); execute_password_command(stick, hidden_volume_password); } TEST_CASE("setup multiple hidden volumes", "[hidden]") { auto stick = make_shared(); bool connected = stick->connect(); REQUIRE(connected == true); Log::instance().set_loglevel(Loglevel::DEBUG); auto user_pin = default_user_pin; stick10::LockDevice::CommandTransaction::run(stick); this_thread::sleep_for(2000ms); execute_password_command(stick, user_pin); constexpr int volume_count = 4; for (int i = 0; i < volume_count; ++i) { auto p = get_payload(); p.SlotNr_u8 = i; p.StartBlockPercent_u8 = 20 + 10*i; p.EndBlockPercent_u8 = p.StartBlockPercent_u8+i+1; auto hidden_volume_password = std::string("123123123")+std::to_string(i); strcpyT(p.HiddenVolumePassword_au8, hidden_volume_password.c_str()); stick20::SetupHiddenVolume::CommandTransaction::run(stick, p); this_thread::sleep_for(2000ms); } for (int i = 0; i < volume_count; ++i) { execute_password_command(stick, user_pin); auto hidden_volume_password = std::string("123123123")+std::to_string(i); execute_password_command(stick, hidden_volume_password.c_str()); this_thread::sleep_for(2000ms); } } //in case of a bug this could change update PIN to some unexpected value // - please save log with packet dump if this test will not pass TEST_CASE("update password change", "[dangerous]") { SKIP_TEST(); auto stick = make_shared(); bool connected = stick->connect(); REQUIRE(connected == true); Log::instance().set_loglevel(Loglevel::DEBUG); auto pass1 = default_admin_pin; auto pass2 = "12345678901234567890"; auto data = { make_pair(pass1, pass2), make_pair(pass2, pass1), }; for (auto && password: data) { auto p = get_payload(); strcpyT(p.current_update_password, password.first); strcpyT(p.new_update_password, password.second); stick20::ChangeUpdatePassword::CommandTransaction::run(stick, p); } } TEST_CASE("general test", "[test]") { auto stick = make_shared(); bool connected = stick->connect(); REQUIRE(connected == true); Log::instance().set_loglevel(Loglevel::DEBUG); stick10::LockDevice::CommandTransaction::run(stick); // execute_password_command(stick, "123456"); // execute_password_command(stick, "123456"); // execute_password_command(stick, "123123123"); execute_password_command(stick, default_user_pin); execute_password_command(stick, default_user_pin); execute_password_command(stick, default_admin_pin, 'A'); stick20::GetDeviceStatus::CommandTransaction::run(stick); this_thread::sleep_for(1000ms); // execute_password_command(stick, "123123123"); //CAUTION // execute_password_command(stick, "123123123"); //CAUTION FIRMWARE PIN execute_password_command(stick, "12345678", 'A'); // execute_password_command(stick, "12345678", 'A'); stick10::LockDevice::CommandTransaction::run(stick); }