import pytest from misc import ffi device_type = None def skip_if_device_version_lower_than(allowed_devices): global device_type model, version = device_type infinite_version_number = 999 if allowed_devices.get(model, infinite_version_number) > version: pytest.skip('This device model is not applicable to run this test') @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def C(request): fp = '../NK_C_API.h' declarations = [] with open(fp, 'r') as f: declarations = f.readlines() a = iter(declarations) for declaration in a: if declaration.startswith('NK_C_API'): declaration = declaration.replace('NK_C_API', '').strip() while not ';' in declaration: declaration += (next(a)).strip() print(declaration) ffi.cdef(declaration, override=True) C = None import os, sys path_build = os.path.join("..", "build") paths = [ os.path.join(path_build,""), os.path.join(path_build,"")] for p in paths: print p if os.path.exists(p): C = ffi.dlopen(p) break else: print("File does not exist: " + p) print("Trying another") if not C: print("No library file found") sys.exit(1) C.NK_set_debug(False) nk_login = C.NK_login_auto() if nk_login != 1: print('No devices detected!') assert nk_login != 0 # returns 0 if not connected or wrong model or 1 when connected global device_type firmware_version = C.NK_get_major_firmware_version() model = 'P' if firmware_version in [7,8] else 'S' device_type = (model, firmware_version) # assert C.NK_first_authenticate(DefaultPasswords.ADMIN, DefaultPasswords.ADMIN_TEMP) == DeviceErrorCode.STATUS_OK # assert C.NK_user_authenticate(DefaultPasswords.USER, DefaultPasswords.USER_TEMP) == DeviceErrorCode.STATUS_OK # C.NK_status() def fin(): print('\nFinishing connection to device') C.NK_logout() print('Finished') request.addfinalizer(fin) C.NK_set_debug(True) return C