project( 'libnitrokey', 'cpp', version : '3.1.0', license : 'LGPL-3.0+', default_options : [ 'cpp_std=c++14' ], meson_version : '>= 0.43.0', ) cxx = meson.get_compiler('cpp') host_system = host_machine.system() pkg = import('pkgconfig') test_cflags = [ '-Wno-unused-function', '-Wcast-qual', '-Woverloaded-virtual', ] add_project_arguments(cxx.get_supported_arguments(test_cflags), language : 'cpp') dep_hidapi = dependency('hidapi-libusb') inc_libnitrokey = include_directories('include') libnitrokey_args = [] if not get_option('log') libnitrokey_args += ['-DNO_LOG'] endif if get_option('log-volatile-data') libnitrokey_args += ['-DLOG_VOLATILE_DATA'] endif libnitrokey = library( 'nitokey', sources : [ '', '', '', '', '', '', 'DeviceCommunicationExceptions.cpp', ], include_directories : [ inc_libnitrokey, ], dependencies : [ dep_hidapi, ], cpp_args : libnitrokey_args, version : meson.project_version(), install : true, ) install_headers( 'include/CommandFailedException.h', 'include/command.h', 'include/command_id.h', 'include/cxx_semantics.h', 'include/DeviceCommunicationExceptions.h', 'include/device.h', 'include/device_proto.h', 'include/dissect.h', 'include/inttypes.h', 'include/LibraryException.h', 'include/log.h', 'include/LongOperationInProgressException.h', 'include/misc.h', 'include/NitrokeyManager.h', 'include/stick10_commands_0.8.h', 'include/stick10_commands.h', 'include/stick20_commands.h', subdir : meson.project_name(), ) ext_libnitrokey = declare_dependency( link_with : libnitrokey, include_directories : inc_libnitrokey, ) pkg.generate( name : meson.project_name(), filebase : 'libnitrokey-1', libraries : libnitrokey, version : meson.project_version(), requires_private : 'hidapi-libusb', description : 'Library for communicating with Nitrokey in a clean and easy manner', install : true, ) if get_option('tests') or get_option('offline-tests') # FIXME _inc_catch = include_directories('/usr/include/catch') if not cxx.has_header('catch.hpp', include_directories : _inc_catch) error('Can\'t find catch.hpp') endif _catch = static_library( 'catch', sources : [ 'unittest/catch_main.cpp', ], include_directories : [ _inc_catch, ], ) _dep_catch = declare_dependency( link_with : _catch, include_directories : _inc_catch, ) endif tests = [] if get_option('offline-tests') tests += [ ['test_offline', ''], ] endif if get_option('tests') tests += [ ['test_C_API', 'test_C_API.cpp'], ['test1', ''], ['test2', ''], ['test3', ''], ['test_HOTP', ''], ['test_issues', ''], ] endif foreach tst : tests test( tst[0], executable( tst[0], sources : 'unittest/@0@'.format(tst[1]), dependencies : [ ext_libnitrokey, _dep_catch, ], ) ) endforeach