// Copyright (C) 2019 Robin Krahl // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT #![warn(missing_docs, rust_2018_compatibility, rust_2018_idioms, unused)] //! Displays dialog boxes using various backends. //! //! The `dialog` crate can be used to display different types of dialog boxes. The supported types //! are: //! - [`Input`][]: a text input dialog //! - [`Message`][]: a simple message box //! - [`Password`][]: a password input dialog //! - [`Question`][]: a question dialog box //! //! These dialog boxes can be displayed using various backends: //! - [`Dialog`][]: uses `dialog` to display ncurses-based dialog boxes (requires the external //! `dialog` tool) //! - [`KDialog`][]: uses `kdialog` to display Qt-based dialog boxes (requires the external //! `kdialog` tool) //! - [`Stdio`][]: prints messages to the standard output and reads user input form standard input //! (intended as a fallback backend) //! - [`Zenity`][]: uses `zenity` to display GTK-based dialog boxes (requires the external `zenity` //! tool) //! //! You can let `dialog` choose the backend by calling the [`show`][] method on a dialog box. If //! you want to choose the backend yourself, create a backend instance and pass it to //! [`show_with`][]. You can also use the [`default_backend`][] function to create a backend. //! //! # Examples //! //! Show a message box using the default backend: //! //! ```no_run //! use dialog::DialogBox; //! //! dialog::Message::new("Did you know that I am using the dialog crate?") //! .title("Public Service Announcement") //! .show() //! .expect("Could not display dialog box"); //! ``` //! //! Show a message box using the [`Dialog`][] backend with customized settings: //! //! ```no_run //! use dialog::DialogBox; //! //! let mut backend = dialog::backends::Dialog::new(); //! backend.set_backtitle("dialog demo"); //! backend.set_width(100); //! backend.set_height(10); //! dialog::Message::new("Did you know that I am using the dialog crate?") //! .title("Public Service Announcement") //! .show_with(&backend) //! .expect("Could not display dialog box"); //! ``` //! //! Query a string from the user: //! //! ```no_run //! use dialog::DialogBox; //! //! let name = dialog::Input::new("Please enter your name") //! .title("Name") //! .show() //! .expect("Could not display dialog box"); //! match name { //! Some(name) => println!("Hello {}!", name), //! None => println!("Hello stranger!"), //! }; //! ``` //! //! [`Dialog`]: backends/struct.Dialog.html //! [`Input`]: struct.Input.html //! [`Message`]: struct.Message.html //! [`Password`]: struct.Password.html //! [`Question`]: struct.Question.html //! [`KDialog`]: backends/struct.KDialog.html //! [`Stdio`]: backends/struct.Stdio.html //! [`Zenity`]: backends/struct.Zenity.html //! [`default_backend`]: fn.default_backend.html //! [`show`]: trait.DialogBox.html#method.show //! [`show_with`]: trait.DialogBox.html#method.show_with mod error; /// Backends that display dialog boxes. /// /// All backends implement the [`Backend`][] trait. Some backends might provide additional /// settings. For a list of supported backends, see the [top-level crate documentation](./..) or /// the [list of structs in this module](#structs). /// /// [`Backend`]: trait.Backend.html pub mod backends; use std::env; pub use crate::error::{Error, Result}; /// A dialog box that can be shown using a backend. /// /// Some dialog boxes might return data of the type `Output`. pub trait DialogBox { /// The type of the data returned by the dialog box. type Output; /// Shows this dialog box using the default backend and returns the output. /// /// `box.show()` is a shorthand for `box.show_with(default_backend())`. fn show(&self) -> Result { self.show_with(default_backend()) } /// Shows this dialog box using the given backend and returns the output. fn show_with(&self, backend: impl AsRef) -> Result where B: backends::Backend + ?Sized; } /// A message box. /// /// This dialog box displays a text and an optional title and has a single OK button. It does not /// produce any output. /// /// # Example /// /// ```no_run /// use dialog::DialogBox; /// /// dialog::Message::new("The operation was successful.") /// .title("Success") /// .show() /// .expect("Could not display dialog box"); /// ``` pub struct Message { text: String, title: Option, } impl Message { /// Creates a new message box with the given text. pub fn new(text: impl Into) -> Message { Message { text: text.into(), title: None, } } /// Sets the title of this message box. /// /// This method returns a reference to `self` to enable chaining. pub fn title(&mut self, title: impl Into) -> &mut Message { self.title = Some(title.into()); self } } impl DialogBox for Message { type Output = (); fn show_with(&self, backend: impl AsRef) -> Result where B: backends::Backend + ?Sized, { backend.as_ref().show_message(self) } } /// A dialog box with a text input field. /// /// This dialog box displays a text and an input field. It returns the text entered by the user or /// `None` if the user cancelled the dialog. /// /// # Example /// /// ```no_run /// use dialog::DialogBox; /// /// let name = dialog::Input::new("Please enter your name") /// .title("Name") /// .show() /// .expect("Could not display dialog box"); /// match name { /// Some(name) => println!("Hello {}!", name), /// None => println!("Hello stranger!"), /// }; /// ``` pub struct Input { text: String, title: Option, default: Option, } impl Input { /// Creates a new input dialog box with the given text. pub fn new(text: impl Into) -> Input { Input { text: text.into(), title: None, default: None, } } /// Sets the title of this input box. /// /// This method returns a reference to `self` to enable chaining. pub fn title(&mut self, title: impl Into) -> &mut Input { self.title = Some(title.into()); self } /// Sets the default value of this input box. /// /// This method returns a reference to `self` to enable chaining. pub fn default(&mut self, default: impl Into) -> &mut Input { self.default = Some(default.into()); self } } impl DialogBox for Input { type Output = Option; fn show_with(&self, backend: impl AsRef) -> Result where B: backends::Backend + ?Sized, { backend.as_ref().show_input(self) } } /// A dialog box with a password input field. /// /// This dialog box displays a text and a password input field. It returns the password entered by /// the user or `None` if the user cancelled the dialog. /// /// # Example /// /// ```no_run /// use dialog::DialogBox; /// /// let password = dialog::Password::new("Please enter a new password") /// .title("Password") /// .show() /// .expect("Could not display dialog box"); /// match password { /// Some(password) => println!("Your new password is: {}", password), /// None => println!("You do not want to have a password."), /// }; /// ``` pub struct Password { text: String, title: Option, } impl Password { /// Creates a new password dialog box with the given text. pub fn new(text: impl Into) -> Password { Password { text: text.into(), title: None, } } /// Sets the title of this password dialog box. /// /// This method returns a reference to `self` to enable chaining. pub fn title(&mut self, title: impl Into) -> &mut Password { self.title = Some(title.into()); self } } impl DialogBox for Password { type Output = Option; fn show_with(&self, backend: impl AsRef) -> Result where B: backends::Backend + ?Sized, { backend.as_ref().show_password(self) } } /// A user choise in a dialog box. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Choice { /// The yes button. Yes, /// The no button. No, /// The cancel button or a cancelled dialog. Cancel, } /// A question dialog box. /// /// This dialog box displays a text and an optional title and has a yes and a no button. The /// output is the button presed by the user, or Cancel if the dialog has been cancelled. /// /// # Example /// /// ```no_run /// use dialog::DialogBox; /// /// let choice = dialog::Question::new("Do you want to continue?") /// .title("Question") /// .show() /// .expect("Could not display dialog box"); /// println!("The user chose: {:?}", choice); /// ``` pub struct Question { text: String, title: Option, } impl Question { /// Creates a new question dialog with the given text. pub fn new(text: impl Into) -> Question { Question { text: text.into(), title: None, } } /// Sets the title of this question dialog box. /// /// This method returns a reference to `self` to enable chaining. pub fn title(&mut self, title: impl Into) -> &mut Question { self.title = Some(title.into()); self } } impl DialogBox for Question { type Output = Choice; fn show_with(&self, backend: impl AsRef) -> Result where B: backends::Backend + ?Sized, { backend.as_ref().show_question(self) } } /// Creates a new instance of the default backend. /// /// The following steps are performed to determine the default backend: /// - If the `DIALOG` environment variable is set to a valid backend name, this backend is used. /// A valid backend name is the name of a struct in the `backends` module implementing the /// `Backend` trait in any case. /// - If the `DISPLAY` environment variable is set, the following resolution algorithm is used: /// - If the `XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP` environment variable is set to `KDE`, [`KDialog`][] is used. /// - Otherwise, the first available backend from this list is used: /// - [`Zenity`][] /// - [`KDialog`][] /// - If the [`Dialog`][] backend is available, it is used. /// - Otherwise, a [`Stdio`][] instance is returned. /// /// [`Dialog`]: backends/struct.Dialog.html /// [`KDialog`]: backends/struct.KDialog.html /// [`Stdio`]: backends/struct.Stdio.html /// [`Zenity`]: backends/struct.Zenity.html pub fn default_backend() -> Box { if let Ok(backend) = env::var("DIALOG") { if let Some(backend) = backends::from_str(&backend) { return backend; } } if let Ok(display) = env::var("DISPLAY") { if !display.is_empty() { // Prefer KDialog if the user is logged into a KDE session let kdialog_available = backends::KDialog::is_available(); if let Ok(desktop) = env::var("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP") { if kdialog_available && desktop == "KDE" { return Box::new(backends::KDialog::new()); } } if backends::Zenity::is_available() { return Box::new(backends::Zenity::new()); } if kdialog_available { return Box::new(backends::KDialog::new()); } } } if backends::Dialog::is_available() { Box::new(backends::Dialog::new()) } else { Box::new(backends::Stdio::new()) } }